that the white house gave their tacit approval and actually encouraged in the case of jen psakiki, the doxingm of the supreme courte justices holmes, you know the type of, humor you know, you better listen to me. of y courseo you better listen o me, cavnar you won t know what hit you. that sounded like a threat to me if i made a threat to a supreme court justice, would i be committing a crimeme? yes. yes, you would. and you especially be committing a crime if you were going to the supreme courtt justices homes too protest in front of them. and if you re a president ofco the united states who actively encourages people to do that . and for your press secretary, jen psaki, if you said yes, i support this , you dld be actively encouraging that . wegi know she encourages it. we know therefore that he is trying to pack the court. we ve got to stop him now. and that s why i encourage people to read saving nido, give them the tools necessary to confront as manyro people
0 authoritarian state. that is the destruction of democracy. and we can t let them do it. we re doing our part. thank you for joining us for this hour. have the best evening b with the ones you love.see you we ll see you tomorrow. and welcome to hannity. and we start with the fox news alert breaking tonight . we have all three major broadcast networks, fake news, cnn, msnbc, all happily broadcasting well, the dullest the most boringel. there s absolutely nothingng nothing new . multi hour democratic fundraiser masquerading as a january six hearing. going to and by the sounds of it, they re going to do hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of t us produced by a former abc executive, 100% hollywood production with all the creative licensesere that wd go along with that. butt make no mistake, tonight s so-called hearing is not in good faith. it is not an honest probe into the security breakdown on that fateful day and we will prove that to tonight instead it is i a made for tv smear