ABNORMAL odour detected at Sungai Buah and Sungai Semenyih in Selangor on Monday night (Feb 5) was found to have originated from an industrial area outside the state border.
BERNAMA – The flood situation in Selangor and Perak shows no sign of improvement as the number of evacuees housed in temporary relief centres in both states continues to rise. In Selangor, the number of flood evacuees rose to 722 people from 184 families compared with 673 people from 170 families reported yesterday. According to […]
KUALA LUMPUR: The flood situation in Selangor and Perak shows no sign of improvement as the number of evacuees housed in temporary relief centres in both states continues to rise on Tuesday (Nov 7) night.
KUALA SELANGOR, May 18 ― The Raw Water Guarantee Scheme (SJAM) initiative, which was developed by the Selangor government to ensure that there is no disruption to the.