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Indianapolis teen charged with 6 counts of murder for allegedly shooting pregnant woman and his family members Share Updated: 12:39 PM CST Jan 29, 2021 By Anna Sturla, CNN
Indianapolis teen charged with 6 counts of murder for allegedly shooting pregnant woman and his family members Share Updated: 12:39 PM CST Jan 29, 2021
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Show Transcript here is the picture of 17 year old Raymond Childs of Third. Taken to the Marion County Jail this morning. He s accused of shooting and killing most of his family Sunday morning at their house on Adams Street. Child has been charged with six counts of murder, one count of attempted murder and one count of carrying a handgun without a permit. The shooting started after he left the house without permission. Yeah, I think the argument initially started over, Ah, conversation about somebody going out or being outside the residents on spending, you know, kind of sneaking out