Hero Quilts presented to South Bay Vietnam Vets
Project founded to comfort recent war veterans expanded to include vets from earlier wars
by Donald Morrison
Only one thing comforted Lieutenant Daniel Massey after he was injured while serving in Iraq. It was 2009, and he’d been left temporarily paralyzed from injuries sustained during a mortar blast in Basra. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever walk again.
“I came back from one of my procedures and on my bed was this blanket,” Lt. Massey said. “There was a note. ‘To Lieutenant Dan Massey, you’re our hero, thank you very much for your service to our country.’ and I just started bawling.”
South Bay Vietnam Vets to receive American Hero Quilts
SHARE The Hands to Heart Quilters of Perry Park Senior Center. Fellow quilters will present quilts to Viet Nam veterans at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach at noon on Tuesday, Feb. 16. Photo by David Mendez
The Hands to Heart Quilters of Perry Park Senior Center. Fellow quilters will present quilts to Vietnam veterans at noon on Tuesday, Feb. 16. at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach. Photo by David Mendez
American Hero Quilts will be presented to about a dozen members of the Vietnam Veterans of America South Bay Chapter 53 at noon on Tuesday, at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach.