Pulwama Attack: In a unique gesture, Odisha-based sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik paid tribute to the jawans killed in the attack by creating a sand sculpture.
Sudarsan Pattnaik asks people to Stay Home Stay Safe in new sand art on Puri beach
Sudarsan Pattnaik asks people to Stay Home Stay Safe in new sand art on Puri beach
Sudarsan Pattnaik took to Twitter today to spread the Stay Home Stay Safe message among his followers with a sand art on Puri beach.
Sudarsan Pattnaik s new sand art asks people to Stay Home Stay Safe
The second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic requires us to stay at home and follow all the necessary guidelines to ensure our safety. Many state governments have imposed lockdowns to ensure that citizens are inside their homes to curb the further spread of the virus.