Suchana Seth (39) was arrested from Chitradurga in Karnataka on January 8 while she was travelling in the taxi with her son s body stuffed in a bag and brought to Goa. A court in Mapusa town remanded her in police custody for six days.
In a charged confrontation at Calangute police station in north Goa, Venkat Raman asked his estranged wife, Suchana Seth, why she murdered their four-year-old son. Seth, the CEO of Bengaluru start-up The Mindful AI Lab, deflected blame onto Raman. Seth and Raman got married in 2010 and filed for divorce in 2018.
Bengaluru CEO Suchana Seth had written a note with eyeliner stating that custody of her 4-year old son should remain with her, irrespective of court's order.