Jennifer Guskin was sexually trafficked and suffered Satan Ritual Abuse (SRA) growing up as a child in the U.S. Foster Care system. She was trafficked by the rich and powerful politicians and business leaders in New York and the Washington D.C. area throughout her childhood. Like many survivors of child sex trafficking in Foster Care, once she became an adult and had her own child, the system again came after her, this time by medically kidnapping her newborn infant daughter. We reported last June that Jennifer had decided to sue the Baltimore County Department of Social Services Child Advocacy Center, working together with Howard County General Hospital, who took custody of her newborn daughter on false charges of drug abuse. We made a public appeal for an attorney to come forward to help Jennifer with her case, and I also reached out to my contacts trying to find one to help her, but none were willing to take on her case, so she filed Pro Se. The defendants filed a motion to dismiss
Last month we introduced our readers to Jennifer Guskin who was sexually trafficked as a child, suffering evils more horrible than anything else we had ever published before, with a video I put together of Jennifer sharing her story. When Jennifer first went public about her life and the horrors she suffered as a child back in 2018, the Baltimore County Department of Social Services Child Advocacy Center, working together with Howard County General Hospital, took custody of her newborn daughter on false charges of drug abuse. After an investigation cleared her of any drug abuse, they allegedly continued to hold her baby and stipulated that to get her baby back she had to "stop talking on Social Media." Today, her daughter is 5 years old and back in their life, but Jennifer is trying to fight back and expose this corrupt business of child trafficking that is done under the color of law and referred to as "Foster Care" and "Adoption", but is mainly a system
The Department developed a new model aimed at addressing deficiencies in the child welfare system, including enhanced engagement and ensuring families receive the right supportive services at the right time.