Els francesos enfurismats perquè el món anglosaxó ha decidit vendre submarins nuclears a Austràlia, i per tant, l armée française" en quedarà al marge amb el seus submarins. Personalment, la.
Washington, amb l ajuda de Londres, proveirà de submarins nuclears el país oceànic per contrarestar el poder xinès a la regió Pequín critica la "irresponsabilitat" d una decisió presa amb "mentalitat de la guerra freda"
collect ocean data and the same information could help counter chinese submarins. and the navy destroyer will step it when the chinese return it. there is no indication that it left the chinese ship after they stole it. and the powerful chairman of the senate committee compared it to another one this year. fund upon fundmental they took the vehicle in gross violation of intl law and maybe they saw the success that the iranians had after they captured american vessels and put americans on their knews? when confronted in/beijing,