The cast and crew of megastar Chiranjeevi starrer Bhola Shanker have attained the first schedule of the film. The team started shooting in mid-November and has just finished its mega schedule. Moreover, it looks like the second schedule of the movie has also already begun. Sharing the news, the film’s director Meher Ramesh posted the […]
Chennai, Dec 8 (IANS) The unit of the much-awaited Telugu film 'Bholaa Shankar', featuring actors Chiranjeevi, Tamannaah and Keerthy Suresh in the lead, has
The unit of the much-awaited Telugu film Bholaa Shankar , featuring actors Chiranjeevi, Tamannaah and Keerthy Suresh in the lead, has just finished shooting a stylish fight sequence in the film, director Meher Ramesh said on Wednesday.
The unit of the much-awaited Telugu film Bholaa Shankar , featuring actors Chiranjeevi, Tamannaah and Keerthy Suresh in the lead, has just finished shooting a stylish fight sequence in the film, director Meher Ramesh said on Wednesday.Sources .