The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) on April 29 announced that it had greenlit final registration certificates for three projects in textile-linked sectors with total capital investment of nearly $19 million that are expected to create 2,005 jobs.
Officials from the Drainage Unit of the Phnom Penh Municipal Department of Public Works and Transport are prepared to respond immediately should heavy rain cause flooding due to blocked drains and sewers. Men Sokkheng, director of the unit, said on March 22 that officials were always ready to remove rubbish from the mouths of the sewers and pump out the water to avoid flooding.
The Phnom Penh Municipal Administration has spent the last three years solving the problems of half of the impoverished communities which dwell on public land in the capital. Authorities have nonetheless warned that action will be taken against those who attempted to incite the remaining communities into taking state land.
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA - Even before the pandemic, Cambodia had established itself as one of the most loan-saturated markets in the world, thanks largely
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA - Even before the pandemic, Cambodia had established itself as one of the most loan-saturated markets in the world, thanks largely