The banks say the trials last week point to benefits including reducing settlement risk and creating trading efficiencies, but they also highlighted new risks.
The new Year 1 enrolment was 25 students.
Visit of Bill Lamond Bill is the son of Henry G Lamond, the famous author who took up South Molle in 1926. Bill came to Proserpine last week as guest speaker at the Lions Club.
Rotary Club guest speaker Proserpine s 1981 Nurse of the Year Janette McCall outlined her campaign to raise funds for the Queensland Cancer Fund. She hoped to follow in the footsteps of last year s Nurse of the Year Sister Merle Telford who raised $9100 from a similar position.
First cricket of the year On the showground turf Colts defeated Centrals, led by 68 from Jim Skaiffe.