/PRNewswire/ Jobs for the Future (JFF) applauds House and Senate negotiators for reaching consensus this week on legislation that would fund the federal.
/PRNewswire/ Jobs for the Future (JFF) applauds House and Senate negotiators for reaching consensus this week on legislation that would fund the federal.
MHCC joins $5M job training grant
Federal money to help students train for family-wage careers in cybersecurity, manufacturing
Mt. Hood Community College and eight other Oregon community colleges received a $5 million federal grant to boost students access to cybersecurity and advanced manufacturing workforce training. We know cybersecurity and advanced manufacturing is predicted to be an area of growth and need that will provide a number of well-paid and rewarding jobs, MHCC President Lisa Skari said in the announcement.
The U.S. Department of Labor recently announced the Strengthening Community College Training Grant awards, which total $40 million nationwide.
The grants are designed to support workers as they gain new skills and set out on new career paths in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and damaged economy.