Vitaliy Fen, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Korea, said that Uzbekistan has entered a new stage of development as the country has been implementing large-scale reforms across all areas, receiving global recognition.“Today, when people talk about our country in the international arena, the phrase New Uzbekistan is often mentioned,” said Fen during an interview with Oh Young-jin, president and publisher of The Korea Times, at the embassy in Seoul, Feb. 19.
With the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as the head of state in 2016, the internal and foreign policies of Uzbekistan have changed drastically. The leader of the country has begun the implementation of a huge range of large-scale reforms aimed at modernizing all spheres of society and the state, which should ensure the sustainable development of the country in the long term.
A Frelimo, partido no poder em Moçambique desde a independência, convocou para hoje uma sessão extraordinária do seu Comité Central para fechar os últimos dossiês relativos ao congresso que se realiza dentro de oito dias.
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DGAP-News: HMS Bergbau AG / Schlagwort(e): Halbjahresbericht/Sonstiges HMS Bergbau AG: Starkes Halbjahresergebnis 2021 in herausforderndem Marktumfeld 30.09.2021 / 11:02 Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Corporate News vom 30. September 2021HMS Bergbau .