bill: $523 million in losses. in losses. i mean solar trucks. 465 million bucks from the government. solar trust got 2 billion from the government. bill: what s sole la trust? what do they do. one of these solar power companies. bankrupt. bill: to the sun bankrupt? yes. abound solar loveland, colorado based. they are out of here. right? the taxpayer on the hook for 68 million. that s chump change. we can go on and on ladies and gentlemen. don t you think there comes a point where the federal government has to be held accountable? responsible for wasting in money that we earned? of course. but if they have the right to spend it, they are going to keep doing that. only when government is smaller and you let the market make these decisions will you get results. why would you invest in a car company if the stossel car company was getting a big loan? you would say well i m not going to develop my technology because i have an advantage.
you overstated it. they don t lend money to anybody who sounds good because there are a million people applying. they make an effort to find the best ones. the people that have cronies in government get the loans and government can t even count votes accurately. they are not capable of deciding what the new technology. bill: lose 200 million on this fisker deal. friday they fired 75% of the workforce. bill: now there is a company called emre. it got $119 million stimulus grant. they filed for bankruptcy. does anybody know what they do? i don t. bill: some kind of green company. then there is a 123 systems. they went bankrupt. and they lost 142 million taxpayer dollars. again, some green company that does something nobody understands. tesla motors, all right. they got they have net losses, tesla motors and this is another electric car, right? yeah.
bill: $523 million in losses. in losses. i mean solar trucks. 465 million bucks from the government. solar trust got 2 billion from the government. bill: what s sole la trust? what do they do. one of these solar power companies. bankrupt. bill: to the sun bankrupt? yes. abound solar loveland, colorado based. they are out of here. right? the taxpayer on the hook for 68 million. that s chump change. we can go on and on ladies and gentlemen. don t you think there comes a point where the federal government has to be held accountable? responsible for wasting in money that we earned? of course. but if they have the right to spend it, they are going to keep doing that. only when government is smaller and you let the market make these decisions will you get results. why would you invest in a car company if the stossel car company was getting a big loan? you would say well i m not going to develop my technology because i have an advantage.
we are getting fleeced. you overstated it. they don t lend money to anybody who sounds good because there are a million people applying. they make an effort to find the best ones. the people that have cronies in government get the loans and government can t even count votes accurately. they are not capable of deciding what the new technology. bill: lose 200 million on this fisker deal. friday they fired 75% of the workforce. bill: now there is a company called emre. it got $119 million stimulus grant. they filed for bankruptcy. does anybody know what they do? i don t. bill: some kind of green company. then there is a 123 systems. they went bankrupt. and they lost 142 million taxpayer dollars. again, some green company that does something nobody understands. tesla motors, all right. they got they have net losses, tesla motors and this is another electric car, right? yeah.
you overstated it. they don t lend money to anybody who sounds good because there are a million people applying. they make an effort to find the best ones. the people that have cronies in government get the loans and government can t even count votes accurately. they are not capable of deciding what the new technology. bill: lose 200 million on this fisker deal. friday they fired 75% of the workforce. bill: now there is a company called emre. it got $119 million stimulus grant. they filed for bankruptcy. does anybody know what they do? i don t. bill: some kind of green company. then there is a 123 systems. they went bankrupt. and they lost 142 million taxpayer dollars. again, some green company that does something nobody understands. tesla motors, all right. they got they have net losses, tesla motors and this is another electric car, right? yeah.