governor called an employee of his, someone who he had power over, called them to a private place and then sexually assaulted her is absolutely unacceptable. it is disgusting to me and he can no longer serve as governor. harris: all of that means governor cuomo s own current office has referred a complaint of alleged sexual misconduct to albany police as part of a state policy after a report that cuomo, an aide alleged she was groped by the governor. now more than half of all new york lawmakers are calling for cuomo to resign or be impeached. state assembly democrats have taken the first step toward impeachment investigation. cuomo continues to deny the allegations. the new york post is out with this cover page take a look. the headline, cuo must go. in a statement ocasio-cortez and jamal bowman say the latest allegation of groping from that sixth accuser is alarming and they say it raises the concerns about the present safety and well-being for the administration s sta