funding bill, the debt limit being raised. you ve got the president signing off on the same sex marriage bill. that s just a sliver of things going on. when you think about the politics of all of this, what is the likelihood that the american people to your point have faith that it will get done? well, there s no universe and when i had my high level security clearance that i could even bring one document home to actually do real work and not have lost my job immediately. so the idea that we all know that these national security documents were just sitting there and it s this long protracted process has already eroded a little bit of that trust that we are all as national security professionals equal before the law. that s part of the personal perspective. on the political side, there s always the opportunity for a christmas surprise, right? that if you really want to make stop news and get everybody hopping, but the reality is
در اقدامی جدید برای حل و فصل اختلافات میان بغداد و اربیل و درست چند روز مانده به انتخابات، احزاب و گروههای سیاسی کُرد به شهرها و مناطق مورد مناقشه بازگشتند.
ملت سازی در افغانستان و عراق، احیای دکترین بی اعتبار شده در ویتنام بود. این دکترین باید در خرابه های ویتنام دفن می شد، اما به منظور ارائه توجیهی برای حمله به عراق و افغانستان دوباره به کار گرفته شد.