Prudhoe Ian Warburton Prudhoe Town Council will host its Annual Meeting/Planning, Contract and Works Meeting at the Gate Church, Swalwell Close NE42 6EX, on Wednesday 19 May, commencing at 7:00pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend or watch the meeting on live stream, details on If attending in person, please contact the Clerk in advance to ensure that the social distancing and attendance protocols are fully understood and adhered to. Stocksfield Retired Men’s Association will meet on Zoom on Thursday 20 May, commencing at 11:00am. Those living in Prudhoe are very welcome to attend. Full details can be found in the Stocksfield Village Notes.
Stocksfield Ian Warburton Stocksfield Retired Men’s Association will meet on Zoom on Thursday 15 April, commencing at 11am. Peter Jackson, Chairman of the Nenthead Mines Conservation Society and an expert in his field, will be talking about Mining in the North Pennines. Nenthead Mines is a fascinating and historic place at Nenthead, near Alston. This remote valley is covered by remains from the lead and zinc mining industry of the North Pennines, including mine entrances, watercourses, dressing-floors and buildings. The site is famous for its geology and is notable for rare lichens and plants growing on the metal-rich mine dumps. Most of the valley is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. If you would like to join this event, please send a message to the Stocksfield Retired Men’s Association Facebook page and they will send you the Zoom link.