Disney’s newest animated film, Wish, was created to celebrate Disney’s 100th anniversary, designed as a love letter to their history and past films. Despite people praising the character design, voice acting, and stand-out song “This Wish,” Wish has also been receiving some negative feedback. Some common issues with
If we are going to look back at Disney s history with animated movies, however, as the company has invited people to do with its 100th-anniversary bash, the problem films should be part of the discussion. To wrestle with Disney and its legacy the good and the bad, the past and the present the misfires sometimes offer as much insight as the masterworks.
The animated tale was both controversial and an Oscar-winning box office hit. It’s also one of the rare films from that era that the company isn’t eager to remake.
"The Art of Disney Wish" is a fascinating look behind-the-scenes of Disney Animation's centennial film, which showcases the Disney inspiration behind the film, how the story evolved and what got cut, and where to look for some of the hardest-to-find Easter Eggs.