The village of Lombard will hold its annual Memorial Day ceremony at 10 a.m. Monday, May 27, at the Sunken Garden in Common Park, located just east of the Grace and Maple streets intersection.
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On Monday, May 29, the village of Lombard will hold its annual Memorial Day ceremony at 10 a.m. at the Sunken Garden in Common Park, located just east of the Grace and Maple intersection.
Kern County has one of the highest infant mortality rates in California and mothers die during pregnancy and childbirth in the San Joaquin Valley at a higher rate than in any other region of the state. Simultaneously, research shows that maternal mortality rates are rising among the country’s Latino population.
The Lombard Police Department made 300 driving under the influence arrests in 2021, leading the department to rank 3rd in Illinois, according to numbers compiled by the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists
Cook County has the lowest COVID-19 transmissions, but it s still high, data shows. Want to take a COVID-19 booster? Don t "mix and match" vaccines, expert warns.