Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that the Modi government will increase the target of women beneficiaries under the Lakhpati Didi Scheme to three crore women. She highlighted the transformative impact of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the government s efforts to empower women through schemes like triple talaq ban, reservation of seats, and PM Awas Yojana. The government will also encourage cervical cancer vaccinations for girls between nine and 14 years.
Interim Budget 2024: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also highlighted the achievements of the Skill India mission, which has trained 1.4 crore youths, upskilled and reskilled 54 lakh, and established 3,000 new ITIs.
Nanded district was identified as it was the closest to the state's average in the previous ASER survey and thus was used as an indicator for the whole of Maharashtra.
Australian government lowered the upper age limit to curb instances of ‘visa hopping’, wherein tourists used to visit Australia on a visitor visa and enrol themselves in a diploma or a bachelor’s degree program and later apply for an on-shore study visa.