The excessive heat of the past two weeks is a sure sign that summer has arrived in Manitoba. Another essential part of Manitoba summers, community festivals and fairs, are also beginning to make their appearance.
Communities and the residents who live in them are strengthened by many things. Often, we focus on things such as hospitals, schools and recreation facilities.
Premier Makes Cabinet Changes
Member of the Legislative Assembly, Steinbach
On Tuesday, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister changed his provincial Cabinet. This was the first major change to Cabinet roles in about two and a half years and several key positions were reassigned. Like others, I was asked to take on new responsibilities in the provincial Cabinet and am looking forward to these new roles.
As part of the Cabinet reassignments, I was appointed Manitoba’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Legislative and Public Affairs. In the role of Deputy Premier I am pleased to be able to support the Premier and Cabinet and to bring the views of constituents and Manitobans to this position. In addition, I will be serving as the Minister of Legislative and Public Affairs. In this role I will retain the position of Government House Leader and be responsible for several areas of government and legislation that deal with the public’s access to government and democracy. These include areas o