UEFA.com is the official site of UEFA, the Union of European Football Associations, and the governing body of football in Europe. UEFA works to promote, protect and develop European football across its 55 member associations and organises some of the world’s most famous football competitions, including the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Women’s Champions League, the UEFA Europa League, UEFA EURO and many more. The site features the latest European football news, goals, an extensive archive of video and stats, as well as insights into how the organisation works, including information on financial fair play, how UEFA supports grassroots football and the UEFA HatTrick funding scheme.
Surviving victims of the 2001 shooting at JB s Pub in Elgin, where a man killed two people and injured 16 others, are outraged the state is considering giving the shooter a medical release from prison.
The Norwegian semi-submersible drilling rig capsized while working in the Ekofisk oil field. 123 people died in Norway's worst ever industrial accident. Working at sea on an oil rig is a dangerous profession. Despite rigorous
20 years after shooting, nightmares linger
James Fuller Daily Herald
People hug on April 15, 2001, the day after the call came into the Elgin Police Department to respond to what would now be called a mass shooting.George LeClaire | Daily Herald (AP)Show MoreShow Less
Steinar Andersen’s wife, Penny, was out with friends at JB’s Pub, just two blocks away from home, when a mass shooting took place.Rick West | Daily Herald (AP)Show MoreShow Less
A patron of JB’s bar is overtaken with emotion on April 15, 2001, the day after a shooter entered the bar with two shotguns, two handguns and at least 200 rounds of ammunition.George LeClaire | Daily Herald (AP)Show MoreShow Less