Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the founder and CEO of Paytm, has built the company from a startup to India s biggest mobile payments company. However, a recent regulatory move by RBI banning Paytm s payments bank for violations has put the company s future at risk. Sharma s focus on growth and big numbers may have led to regulatory compliance issues, but his determination and resilience may help Paytm survive this setback.
Erstwhile government administrators are carving a niche for themselves at India Incs boards.By roping in former revenue secretary Tarun Bajaj at the beginning of this month, Hindustan Unilever (HUL) became the second Nifty 50 and third FMCG company in the past six months to appoint a former bureaucrat as an independent director.
By roping in former revenue secretary Tarun Bajaj at the beginning of this month, Hindustan Unilever (HUL) became the second Nifty 50 and third FMCG company in the past six months to appoint a former bureaucrat as an independent director.
Star performers in last year's BT500 study, most Adani Group firms have seen their rankings dip in the latest edition. While it is business as usual for the group, most market watchers expect its bumpy ride to continue - Issue Date: Dec 10, 2023