robbing escorts. all of the victims were prostitutes. but inside this legal brothel lies a different reality. staff security monitor who comes in, and any clients behaving badly are quickly removed, but safety is not zoey s main concern. the money is. it s a lesson she learned from her father. my dad was a pimp, and he taught me it s not what you do. it s how you do it. i was a daddy s girl, so i was always with him. whatever he felt like was right, i felt like was right. i thought that i was going to grow up and be a pimp. but instead of pimping, zoey became an escort. have you always worked for yourself? i ve always worked for myself. you ve never had a pimp? never had a pimp in my life. a guy can t force me to do anything. i like to tell guys i m the boss. sometimes guys come in and shocks me is the certain things that they want.
women are risking their lives by working in the shadows. violence often goes unreported. but some crimes do make headline news. intimate escort ads are linked to horrific deaths in detroit. l.a. s five men have been arrested and charged with robbing escorts. all of the victims are prostitutes. but inside this legal brothel lies a different reality. staff security monitor who comes in and any clients behaving badly are quickly removed. but safety is not zoe s main concern. the money. it s a lesson she learned from her father. my dad was a pimp. and he taught me it s not what you do, it s how you do it. i was a daddy s girl. so i was always with him. whatever he felt like was right, i felt like was right. i thought that i was going to grow up and be a pimp. but instead of pimping, zoe became an escort. have you always worked for yourself? i always worked for myself. never had a pimp? never had a pimp in my life. a guy can t force me to do anything. i like to tell guys i
don t want to just give up. while the brothel knows that zoe has worked illegally in the past, she tells me she hasn t quite given up that life. what are the biggest differences between working at a legal brothel versus being on your own? a big difference for me is the money. right before i came here, i had a guy that he partied for two, three days, and i made $20,000. but you also put yourself at risk. yeah, it is getting really dangerous right now. that s why i m here. in every corner of america, women are risking their lives by working in the shadows. violence often goes unreported. but some crimes do make headline news. intimate escort ads are linked to horrific deaths in detroit. l.a. s five men have been arrested and charged with robbing escorts. all of the victims are prostitutes. but inside this legal brothel lies a different reality. staff security monitor who comes in, and any clients behaving
prostitutes. but inside this legal brothel lies a different reality. staff security monitor who comes in, and any clients behaving badly are quickly removed. but safety is not zoe s main concern. the money is. it s a lesson she learned from her father. my dad was a pimp. and he taught me it s not what you do, it s how you do it. i was a daddy s girl. so i was always with him. whatever he felt like was right i felt like was right. i thought that i was going to grow up and be a pimp. but instead of pimping, zoe became an escort. have you always worked for yourself? i always worked for myself. never had a pimp? never had a pimp in my life. a guy can t force me to do anything. i like to tell guys i m the boss. sometimes guys come in, it shocks me certain things that they want. you want me to punch your balls? i ll do it. and you re paying me for it? woo!
linked to horrific deaths in detroit. l.a. s five men have been arrested and charged with robbing escorts. all of the victims are prostitutes. but inside this legal brothel lies a different reality. staff security monitor who comes in and any clients behaving badly are quickly removed. but safety is not zoe s main concern. the money. it s a lesson she learned from her father. my dad was a pimp. and he taught me it s not what you do, it s how you do it. i was a daddy s girl. so i was always with him. whatever he felt like was right, i felt like was right. i thought that i was going to grow up and be a pimp. but instead of pimping, zoe became an escort. have you always worked for yourself? i always worked for myself. never had a pimp? never had a pimp in my life. a guy can t force me to do anything. i like to tell guys i m the boss. sometimes guys come in, it shocks me certain things that they want.