The parents of the Telangana SSC students have requested the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) to introduce the online facility for making challan payments. The Telangana Board (BSE) released the class 10 results last month and now students are trying to apply for re-verification of their answer sheets.
COLUMBIA — University of South Carolina seniors studying finance and computer science were the first participants in a taxpayer-funded initiative to train Palmetto State students on a quantum supercomputer for future high-tech, high-paying jobs. Jordan Fowler, of Charleston; Carter Burns, of Raleigh, North Carolina; and Jack Oberman, of Irmo, were part of a $20,000 research […]
This disheartening trend translates to an annual dropout rate of nearly 3,000 students, with an average of 7 students discontinuing their education every day.