On this page you will find pictures from around the world, but mainly from within the South East Asia. We are also able to take pictures on request, so if you are in need of pictures of X and cannot find them, or need us to attend an event for you, or just want to buy exclusive images from an event, please do contact us with details of your requirements. High resolution images available on request.
has just announced the results of its latest survey, revealing that belfies have taken precedence over the selfie among today’s most eligible singles.
The online dating giant has also prepared its tips for perfecting the art of the belfie, for those who may need some inspiration:
Learn your angles: Standard belfie angles vary greatly from that of selfies. For example, selfies are often taken from a higher, almost-aerial angle to promote a leaner look, but the exact opposite is the goal with belfies. A lower angle will accentuate your bottom and show off your curves.
Make use of your surroundings: If there is a reflective surface like a mirror nearby, use it to your advantage! It’s much easier to take a picture of your behind this way, and an over-the-shoulder smolder is always a hit.