Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor will be seen in the next episode of Karan Johar's chat show Koffee With Karan 8. The director will be seen sharing his love for their mom Sridevi in the episode.
Boney Kapoor said that Sridevi was on a low-salt diet at the time of her death in 2018. Her extreme diet even caused her blood pressure to drop and occasionally caused her to go unconscious. TheHealthSite.com
Boney Kapoor talks about Srideviās demise and mentions the events that took place post her death and his concern for her health when she was still alive.
Boney Kapoor opened up about Sridevi's death and revealed that she had BP issues due to crash diets. He also revealed that he was interrogated in Dubai for 48 hours.