Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao unveiled a massive plan on Wednesday to turn Kondagattu into a major pilgrimage site and allotted Rs 500 crore for the building of the 800-acre Sri Anjaneya Swamy temple there in the Jagtial district. The Chief Minister stated that the State government was prepared to invest even Rs 1,000 crore to build the temple and its surrounds into a
Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao will visit Sri Anjaneya Swamy temple at kondagattu in Jagtial district on February 14. He will inspect the temple renovation works, a statement from the chief minister’s office said. On February 7, the government sanctioned Rs.100 crore for development of the temple at Kondagattu and take up the temple renovation works per
Actor politician Pawan Kalyan performed a special puja for his campaign vehicle 'Varahi' at Sri Anjaneya Swamy temple in Telangana on Tuesday.Jana Sena Party (JSP) leader had darshan at the famous temple at Kondagattu in Jagtial district. .
Actor-politician Pawan Kalyan will perform special puja for his campaign vehicle 'Varahi' at Sri Anjaneya Swamy temple in Telangana on January 24.The Jana Sena Party (JSP) leader will perform vahana puja of the special campaign vehicle at the .