with anderson cooper error is next, right here on cnn. thank you so much for joining me this evening. i m alice in camerota had a wonderful sunday night and come welcome to the whole story. i m anderson cooper. sharks had been around for at least 400 million years even before dinosaurs walked the earth these apex predators have reputation for attacking all sorts of marine life, which sometimes includes the occasional human. but are shorts danger to people or people at danger to sharks? according to scientists, more than one-third of shark species are at risk of extinction, mostly due to overfishing some fishermen in the u.s. argue that sharks are coming out in greater numbers in every stealing their catch and making it harder for them to earn a living. seen as bore sanchez is an experienced diver and over the next hour he takes us underwater, with sharks to show us both a beauty in danger of these creatures. we want to warn you some of the images you ll see in this hour. mayb
thanks for watching. good night. watching. goodnight welcome to the whole story. i m anderson cooper. sharks had been around for at least 400 million years, even before dinosaurs walked the earth these apex predators have a reputation for attacking all sorts of marine life, where it sometimes includes the occasional human, but are shorts a danger to people or people in danger to shore? according to scientists, more than one-third of shark species are at risk of extinction, mostly due to overfishing some fishermen in the u.s. argue that sharks are coming out in greater numbers in every stealing their catch and making it harder for them to earn a living seen as bohr sanchez is an experienced diver and over the next hour he takes us underwater with sharks to show us both the beauty and danger of these creatures we want to warn you some of the images you ll see in this hour, maybe disturbing below the surface at tiger beach you re supposed to steady your breath limit your movem
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We spoke to Jacques Margnat, the President of French natural ingredients supplier SOPHIM, about the company’s expansion plans after it secured new funding.