edinburgh so no frost tonight. this is tomorrow a lot of cloud to start with, it will break up through the afternoon. are suspect to the east of the mountains in scotland and the east of the pennines and elsewhere, sunny spells possible as well. temperatures of 11 13 so just above the average point of the high pressure still close by around the near continent opened at the shape of it is still the same so that means the weather will be more or less the same. it s all to do with the wind direction. where the cloud breaks, temperatures about the same, it may be a degree lower on sunday, not that you will notice the difference. the next spell of weather or rain is expected around mid week, probably reaching western parts of the uk on wednesday and wednesday night into thursday spreading a little further to the east. that is still a bit of a question but certainly a monday and tuesday are looking to dry across the bulk of the uk, perhaps a little cloudy at times but wherever you