that pulled out of russia? it will be china. it s going to china bank, and they re going to be buying up all of russia s critical minerals and oil and gas. china will be sponger at the end of stronger at the end of this. maria: congressman, thank you. good to see you this morning, michael waltz. that ll do it for us on sunday morning futures. i ll see you tomorrow morning on fox business.
help from the government are undeserving and they re deserving. and so they re resentful of other people who they think might also be getting help. so it s not clear that this is the end of the romney campaign. nobody is suggesting that. it doesn t help things. it s not the end of the election but it is the end of what we think of as romney s campaign in the following ways. he is essentially you re right, people will vote against their own self-interests, but at the end of the day this story signals for us what we already know about romney, and i think a lot of folk are having that feeling today and having that feeling this week. i think there s also an opportunity to some of the folks that he s talking about are recognizing, wait a second, he s talking about me. i have served in the military, i got a college loan, i m a senior on medicare, i don t think of i m not a victim. a sponger. that s right. there are people obviously, we ve talked about this you hope so