marianne rafferty is life with breaking information from a target insider. fox news digital is reportin some target employees are being told to move there lgbt cute pride displays to less prominen locations in the story to avoid customer backlash fraid so managers and district senior directors were on emergency calls on friday where they were told also that they could not have anything on manikins and n learned signage promoting those products read most of the locations affected our in rural southern stores according to that report. this comes just weeks after the company bud light came under fire for partnering with transgender influencer. sales plummeted 28.4 percent in the week ending may 13th alone pride in an interview last week target ceo brian cornell told fortunes leadership now podcast by promoting the lgbt cute friendly products is the right thing for society and a great thing for their brand. this year s target pride collection has renewed calls from conservative
and say, we re going. happy wednesday, everybody, except you. so america continues to suffer excec of white racists. suffer oh, they have plenty of others. but we re running lowthey h on the pale faces. it s gotten so baenty of d. media bottom feeders have to keep making them up in the tor. ep making them up in the a hack at sports site deadspin alleged that a child with his face paintedng his football team colors was actually blackface. you know, blackface, right?a it s that thing only lefty celebs couldchild get away wit. oh, and also bugs bunny. thank god that son of a k go retired. but with deadspin, a funnyd. thing happened of getting the approval that most woke media. karens generally bad skin, the scumbag writer had to faceg the new communitwritery function of elon musk s ex in record time community notes showed p the kids full photo, not just the half paintedhojust the blac. and so the only thing this kid is guilty of is being adorable . we ll be right back.
Spok Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:SPOK – Get Free Report) declared a quarterly dividend on Wednesday, May 1st, Zacks reports. Investors of record on Friday, May 24th will be paid a dividend of 0.313 per share by the Wireless communications provider on Monday, June 24th. This represents a $1.25 annualized dividend and a yield of 8.72%. The […]
Spok (NASDAQ:SPOK – Get Free Report) posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday. The Wireless communications provider reported $0.21 EPS for the quarter, Zacks reports. Spok had a return on equity of 9.43% and a net margin of 11.27%. The firm had revenue of $34.91 million during the quarter. Spok updated its FY 2024 guidance […]
Significant Wealth Partners LLC acquired a new stake in Spok Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:SPOK – Free Report) during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent filing with the SEC. The firm acquired 23,547 shares of the Wireless communications provider’s stock, valued at approximately $365,000. Significant Wealth Partners LLC owned about 0.12% of Spok at the […]