Splitsvilla X3 winner, Aditi Rajput recently announced her engagement with boyfriend Sarang Rai on social media. They have been in a relationship for a while now and have finally decided that they are ready for the next step. | Tellychakkar.com
Models Jay Dudhane and Aditi Rajput from Mumbai lifted the winners' trophy at the grand finale of MTV 'Splitsvilla X3'. They pipped Shivam Sharma and Pallak Yadav by winning the finale task titled 'Love Conquers', which tested their physical and mental strength as well as the depth of their bonding.
The “Boombang: gang have played the game extremely well where they have used their minds planned and plotted against the opposite team and saved all their members and reached the semi – finale and the finale round. The tag line “Teen Ki Yaar Sab Pae Bhari” defines them in every true sense of term | Tellychakkar.com
Sapna and Dhruv miss Kevin and Kat and they feel the game is so incomplete without them and she hoped that Kevin had controlled in anger and the incident would happen. | Tellychakkar.com
MUMBAI: MTV Splitsvilla X3 is one of the most successful shows on television and the audiences are loving the new season as there are lots of twists and turns.In the previous episode, Shivam and Palla | Tellychakkar.com