For the past six months, I’ve been in a podcast rut. Constantly stuck between wanting to know what’s going on in the world and
absolutely not wanting to know what’s going on in the world, my podcast app has become a veritable cesspit of boring content.
Half of my subscriptions have gone unlistened to (to the point that I’m deleting them en masse in my settings app when my phone storage fills up) or half-listened to, only to remain on the list and mock me for weeks. It’s been fun.
That’s why I’ve decided to download a new app which is a big deal for me since I’m a folder kind of girl and strictly have one single page of apps. Welcome to my life, LiSTNR. It’s an Aussie app, so it’s a great place to hit up if I’m in the mood for local news, humour or straight up escapism. Here are a few of my top picks if you’re in dire need of mixing things up, like me.