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theater. he is going to solve a problem. what s most important is what s discussed and clarity and strength and resolve of this president and administration to achieve the outcome that americans so desperately deserve. we are expecting national security adviser hr mcmaster to brief security counsel tomorrow. let s pick up on the mount that mike pompeo is talking about there. what is the presentation tomorrow and pfrom the presiden regarding this meeting? i think most important thing isn t what is said at meeting. the north koreans will be intransigent. what is important is we are having the meeting. south korean president wanted this. he is our ally. most important thing is to maintain strong relations with seoul. overriding reality is that the united states and south korea is much stronger than countries on the other side, china and north korea. so as long as we maintain those relations with the south koreans, we re okay. and going to the meeting, that s good enough. so i think it