The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) on February 7 announced that it had approved final registration certificates for nine textile-related investment projects, one in office supplies and another in furniture.
The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) notices issued in January reveal that it has greenlit 10 new projects worth nearly $100 million, all in the manufacturing industry: eight involved in textiles and two in light bulbs.
The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) notices issued month-to-date reveal that it has greenlit seven new projects worth over $81 million, all in the manufacturing industry: five involved in textiles and two in light bulbs.
The Council for the Development of Cambodia’s (CDC) three notices issued in July indicate that the government’s highest decision-making body for large-scale investments approved eight projects – half of them in garments – with capital commitment of over $117 million, expected to create 7,917 new jobs.