more , a whopping eleven point three percent. that is nearly the higheststthnu number ever.mb yett another painful reminder f the failures of this far left, disastrous, destructive biden economy. frankly, there are signs of even more pain inn the days, months ahead and frankly, years ahead. so let s makeet this perfectly clear so you and your families understand now pretty much everything you re buying is costing you a fortunene more because of the reckless radical policies that joe biden, the climate alarm cult indoctrinated, brainwashed into clinging to like manna from heaven. remember, inflation was one point four percent, to be precise, when donald trumpmpt lefthe the white house, joe bidn lied back in december. he said, sai oh, inflation is oy transitory. it s only temporary. i think the worst is past w. ak look f at these. look at the graphs. they speak for themselves. put together by the new york post . look at this.ut and it lays j out just how major and massive biden s inflat
0 night from des moines, iowa. show. there s a sworn enemy of lying ,pomposity, smugness and groupthink have the best evening with the ones you love, but don t ts go anywhere. sean h hannity takes over right now. all right, tucker. have a great speech tomorrow in iowa. and thank you. welcome to hannity . d dtonight, warning signs for the biden economy. they are flashing brighter thans ever. let s pause for a second. all of this is going to affectyo you, u,your families, your loves ones, your friends, your neighbors, , it s that bad. sadly, we are on the verge of not just the recession, not just the downturn, but a full fledged economic meltdown. all of it caused by thef policies of joe biden and theci new green deal climate cult agenda. socialist democrats, we ll get to break it down and you and your family need to acto accordingly to protect yourselves. biden is failing so much so fast, is so weak, so frail, so decrepit, major democrats, they appear closer than ever now to jumping