still casts its long shadow upon us. right now in 2015, 50 years after selma there are laws across this country designed to make it harder for people to vote. we re the immigrants who stowed away on ships to reach these shores. the huddled masses yearning to breathe free holocaust survivors, soviet defectors, the lost boys of sudan. we re the hopeful strivers who cross the rio grande because we want our kids to know about our life that s how we came to be. we re the slaves who built the white house. and the economy of the south. fifty years from bloody sunday our march is not yet finished. joining me now civil rights attorney leo terrell, fox news contributor deroy murdock. when i lived in atlanta, i got to meet a lot of these
pioneers who brave the unfamiliar. followed by a stampede of farmers and minors. and entrepreneurs and hucksters. that s our spirit. that s who we are. women who could do as much as any man and then some. and we re susan b. anthony and shook the system until the law reflected the truth. that is our character. we re the immigrants who stowed away on ships to reach these shores. the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. soviet defectors, the lost boys of sudan. we re the hopeful strivers who cross the rio grande because we want our kids to know a better life. that s how we came to be. we re the slaves who built the white house. and the economy of the south. we re the ranch hands and