Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said the makers of Sputnik V will supply anti-Covid jabs to the city but the quantity is yet to be decided.
He also said that there were around 620 cases of black fungus or mucormycosis in the city, but there is a shortage of Amphotericin-B injections used in its treatment.
Home / India / Delhi government in talk with Sputnik V makers, will get supply soon, says Kejriwal Delhi government in talk with Sputnik V makers, will get supply soon, says Kejriwal Chief minister highlights lack of Amphotericin-B injections used to treat black fungus
As Delhi grapples with a shortage of coronavirus vaccines, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said the makers of Sputnik V will supply anti-Covid jabs to the city but the quantity is yet to be decided.
He also said there were around 620 cases of black fungus or mucormycosis in Delhi, but Amphotericin-B injections used in its treatment are in short supply.
Kejriwal Says Sputnik V Makers Agreed To Supply Vaccine To Delhi
The Delhi chief minister, however, said the quantity is yet to be decided.
Outlook Web Bureau 26 May 2021, Last Updated at 6:22 pm (File Photo) Outlook Web Bureau 2021-05-26T18:20:37+05:30 Kejriwal Says Sputnik V Makers Agreed To Supply Vaccine To Delhi 2021-05-26T18:22:07+05:30
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said the makers of Sputnik V will supply anti-Covid jabs to the capital city but the quantity is yet to be decided.
He also said there were around 620 cases of black fungus or mucormycosis in Delhi, but Amphotericin-B injections used in its treatment are in short supply.