A PNH armored vehicle partly burned - The United Kingdom sanctions 2 former senior officials - The Montana Group rejects the CARICOM draft agreement - Taiwan : field day for 100 farmers - New Swiss ambassador to Haiti - Justice : Words of Martine Moïse.
A mission of volunteer « White Helmets » from the Argentine Agency for International Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance, the Ministry of Social Development and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology.
According to observations made from local and regional seismic monitoring networks (Cuba, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic), 110 earthquakes were recorded from February 1st to 28, 2023.
After the publication of the baccalaureate results for the 10 departments, Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education confirmed that Tayina Anastacia Krystel Sénat, is the national laureate of the single baccalaureate exams.