Just a few days ago, at a gathering of a group nefariously known as The NoCO Gamers the host was offering an adult beverage to some of the female attendees. He suggested a “Moscow Mule.”
Because we know that man does not live by politics alone, but also by film, sports, booze, and barbecue, RedState writers are expanding their base of topics covered. “Dipsology: Beyond the Basics” is part of that effort as a RedState VIP exclusive. Click here to become a RedState VIP member and use code SLAGER for a sweet discount!)
Despite its namesake make no mistake we are talking about a purely American concoction. Made iconic by its signature drinkware, the Moscow Mule usually vodka, ginger beer, lime, and mint has seen a unique level of resurgence over the past decade. It seemed like for no firm reason the drink was suddenly a fixture in many bars and restaurants, with copper mugs prevalent, variations being offered, and many adopting the cocktail as their signature drink of choice. While this newfound surge is a little mysterious the popularity is not.