, writers from The A.V. Club look at the latest streaming TV arrivals, each making the case for a favored episode. Alternately, they can offer up recommendations inspired by a theme. In this installment: For our annual Love Week, The A.V. Club is courting supernatural TV romances.
Call it a Horrors Week hangover, but as Valentine’s Day approaches, the TV romances we want to watch or revisit all have a supernatural (if not downright terrifying) bent. Give us star-crossed lovers facing obstacles like a council of demons, witches, and vampires who all oppose their relationship, or the tortured paramours of John Logan’s pulpy take on Victorian London. Or, if there has to be a meet-cute, pull the rug out from under us by revealing that one of these sweethearts is traveling across planes of existence to flirt. In that spirit, here are five TV shows that cast a spell with relationships ranging from heartwarming to torrid.