Sompo Holdings, Inc. (OTCMKTS:SMPNY – Get Free Report) saw a significant drop in short interest in June. As of June 30th, there was short interest totalling 4,300 shares, a drop of 48.8% from the June 15th total of 8,400 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 52,400 shares, the short-interest ratio is presently […]
Sompo Holdings, Inc. (OTCMKTS:SMPNY – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant growth in short interest in the month of May. As of May 15th, there was short interest totalling 9,300 shares, a growth of 69.1% from the April 30th total of 5,500 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 35,700 shares, […]