Jammu Tawi, Sep 15: Under the direction of District Magistrate Jammu, Sachin Kumar Vaishya, officials from the Revenue Department, led by Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Piyush Dhotra and Tehsildar Nagrota, Babu Ram Choudhary, along with Tehsildar Jammu Development Authority, Ranjt Singh, conducted an anti-encroachment drive to reclaim state land measuring 2 kanal in village Nagrota today.
Sqn Ldr Rana TS Chhina (Retd)
Before World War I, Indians were not allowed to be commissioned as officers in the fighting services. The war, however, acted as a catalyst for change, and by 1919, a fe
Sqn Ldr Rana TS Chhina (Retd)
Before World War I, Indians were not allowed to be commissioned as officers in the fighting services. The war, however, acted as a catalyst for change, and by 1919, a fe