until 2014, that will expose the hoax. the republicans want to say we are against big government socialist obamacare, not even begun, not phased in a few years, but they don t want to spend a dime to insure the uninsured and have to find a way together to say we got to make sure that people who have low income have a way to get basic health coverage and we do it in a way that doesn t break the bank. every other advanced country does it mighty singapore does it 4% of gdp, we are spending 17% of gdp, trillions that don t have to be going to the medical investor. singapore doesn t used an employer-based health insurance monopoly. this is true. i don t understand on that score why the employers are fighting to stay at the heart of the american welfare state. they think it is a control issue. maybe a way to keep employees from quitting. really hurts small business because it is the advantage of the big guys they can offer the generous plans. there anyway that there is political vi
column out this week about the achievement test and whether forget a lot or a little, are we effective? are we actually efficient, regardless of what the dollars are? well, i didn t actually see the article, but the concept that you are putting forth, yeah it is easy for me to come on and say we got to spend less, of course. but the question what and how are we going to do it? i would like to see us do that in a bipartisan way. i have worked with some of the democrats on the other side of the aisle and we got to actually cut some things around here. we can t keep spending like we have been spending. if you were to look at one of the the number one thing that seems to be on the cutting agenda, there s all the talk about the obama health care bill, the gop argument has been about cost, how to is a job killer. you and i both know that at least by virtue of, and again, probably both equally skeptical about a lot of these numbers, but keeping to obamacare, according to the budget offi
billion, repealing it adds $1.3 trillion. how does repealing obamacare help create jobs or help anybody really? there are a lot of tax paying tax payers who actually ben frit from repealing this. in my own district, the third district of utah we host a lot of medical manufacturers, they put a new tax on medical device and so, i ve got literally thousands of people in utah s third district, now companies like merit medical figure out how to deal with this tax increase. my question more broadly is, listen, you and i both know our health care system is exquisitely expensive. we have an employer-based health care system, monopoly system in existence before obamacare, after obamacare, they didn t want to deal with it with the democrats. the republicans coming in saying we want to deal with the taxes that s fine, no one dealing with the elephant in the room, we have an employer-based health insurance mon no any this country gouging us, whether we mandate people to buy into it or not an
obamacare, the employer-based health care system in general is exquisitely expensive and riddled with terrible incentives. the fee we don t have to have a whole health care debate, i feel like it is a little bit disingenuous to assert that fixing health care, so to speak, or fixing the costs of health scare a function of repealing this most recent please peace of clearly flawed legislation. republicans feel this would be a step in the right direction. for instance, tort reform, which is hundreds of billions of dollars in costs going out the door. that is pennies by comparison though. the legal aspect is pennies just another $100 billion fix to a multitrillion dollar problem. if i had one $1 trillion fix for it i would implement t but we are going to have to chop at this by the tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars at time. i m just saying this is one with thing in obamacare that we didn t address, which is tort reform, which i think from the republican side, we made a c
theater seems prepared to address that fact. i think we have a mandate. i think the reason the republicans have swept into office, were in part, the promise to repeal obamacare and things we should be dog dmg a bipartisan way, selling products across state lines, for instance. that s bipartisan issue. of course we should be able to deal with those types of things but we are going to differ but we should have that tug-of-war. we should have that openness and transparency that the president promised and did not deliver on in making sure that all these deliberations are done in the openness and transparency so of day there is no easy silver bullet. if it was easy it would have been done a long time ago. the reality is the obama care drives up the cost of health care. everybody can look at their own policy and say is it more expensive now than two years ago? yes that is the problem. we have to do that. ask you a question is it fair to say that obamacare is driving up the cost of health