desperation. i know that many of you watching are among them, and you know the reason for your pain. covid. the problem is so huge and so persistent, president biden says the fix should be too. not so fast, say the right side of the aisle. a lot of this help for the poor, for the hungry, the desperate, not really about covid. so let s not do it. you think i m making it up? listen to the leader of the opposition. only 9% addresses the fight against the virus itself. you get this massive bill with only 1%, 1% for vaccinations. it s stuffed with non-covid-related spending that even top liberal economists say is wrong for the recovery. what caused the loss of the jobs and the wages and the businesses, then? our economy still has 9.5 million fewer jobs than at this time last year. at the rate that we re growing right now, because the recovery is so great, at the rate that he calls so great, it will take us two years to get back to where we were. you think mcconnell would go gi
intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. we have breaking news. the biden state department has completed its 45-day review of the former president s executive orders that restricted immigration from certain countries often referred to as the muslim ban. and it is officially ending those restrictions. the biden administration says applicants from the affected countries may no longer be denied on the basis of nationality, and the department has taken a number of steps to ensure that applicants previously refused visas will not have future applications prejudiced in any way. a state department official tells cnn those applicants may now re-enter the diversity visa lottery. also under current regulations, those who visas were denied prior to january 20th, 2020 may also be reconsidered but those individuals must split new applications and pay a new application fee. don t miss full circle, our digital news
that is a very real situation. remember, stare decisis only means what the next set of judges who review the law want it to mean. that texas ruling from the supreme court, that tells you that roe v. wade is in play. and yet we aren t seeing many republicans throw parades about this small victory. why? because like their vaccine mandate pushback, they know they re playing small ball. they re catering to a minority. and the actions that come with the talk could also come with a heavy price. the question now is, will they wind up owning these decisions and losing because of them? let s discuss with michael smerconish. smerc, this is a little bit on the abortion side reproductive rights side, a little tricky. let s do that second. on the vaccine side, desantis
their crusade to overturn roe v. wade. that is a very real situation. remember, stare decisis only means what the next set of judges who review the law want it to mean. that texas ruling from the supreme court, that tells you that roe v. wade is in play. and yet, we aren t seeing many republicans throw parades about this small victory. why? because like their vaccine mandate pushback, they know they re playing small ball. they re catering to a minority. and the actions that come with the talk could also come with a heavy price. the question now is, will they wind up owning these decisions and losing because of them? let s discuss with michael smerconish. smerc, this is a little bit on the abortion side reproductive rights side, a little tricky. let s do that second.
they re killing people. the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. and that s and they re and they re killing people. it s a hefty charge. let s take it to the better minds. smerconish and dr. leana wen. author of a new book coming out, lifelines: a doctor s journey in the fight for public health. good to have you, both. smerc, help me. he creates the vaccine. he said, look, operation warp speed was great. now, he doesn t want anybody to take it. they asked him to do a commercial. he said, what? who is republican? what? why? he is sacrificing one of the best arguments that he has because, by your own statistics, and anecdotally, i can bear that out because i have watched most of those appearances. he really doesn t assert himself and take full credit, to the extent you would expect. why is that the case? i think, to the extent there s any strategy involved here, and i don t know if there is, he s always been about motivation.