A trip to cuba i would not have put myself and my parents in that danger a little part of the theme of the that a beautifully would. Love one fund that one little would you give them i had Serious Problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there but what im going to. Do you want to know their story informally grid stirrer find entry level information for margarets. The city of the future is smart its entirely interconnected to will regulate traffic save energy 5 crime assisted by big data and the internet of things brave new world or rather a surveillance nightmare what because ma studios look like and do we really want to live their autopsy today on ship. More than half of the worlds population lives in cities and this number is steadily rising resulting in enormous challenges more people want traffic more pollution more Energy Consumption more water usage more waste smart cities are supposed to help cope with these problems projects are popping up everywhere for instance i
More than half of the worlds population lives in cities and this number is steadily rising resulting in enormous challenges more people want traffic more pollution more Energy Consumption more water usage but waste smaller cities are supposed to help cope with these problems projects are popping up everywhere for instance in nigeria south korea india or malaysia a livable city that can think for itself how does this work like this for example. Visions of the future this is a smart city as imagined by Tech Companies and evan plan is regular street lights are replaced by small poles which connect to other internet of things devices and provide broadband thanks to Driverless Cars accidents hardly ever happen. And drones and robots deliver the goods even coffee. In this future city some. Grows underground at the. Old minted and visual reality make processes more efficient. One example is that firefighters on duty can be assisted by the control center and tech helps to find and correct syst
You know we have a totally ridiculous sized view of nature david and this is Climate Change phrases sex how freeness increase books you get smarter for free do you know where you books on. Let me look at. The city of the future. Its entirely interconnected to will regulate traffic save energy 5 crime assisted by big data and the internet all things brave new world or rather surveillance nightmare what because it is look like and do we really want to live there all topics today on ship. More than half of the worlds population lives in cities and this number is steadily rising resulting in an enormous challenge. More people want traffic more pollution more Energy Consumption more water usage more waste small cities are supposed to help cope with these problems projects are popping up everywhere for instance in nigeria south korea india or malaysia a livable city that can think for itself how does this work like this for example. Visions of the future this is a smart city as imagined by T
The people making. The go africa fantastic right. Join them as they set out to save the environment learn from one another and Work Together for a Better Future for. Many colleagues do you all like tuning in. On t w. The city of the future is smart its entirely interconnected that will regulate traffic save energy 5 crime assisted by big data and the internet of things brave new world or rather surveillance nightmare what because it is look like and do we really want to live there autopsies today on ships. More than half of the worlds population lives in cities and this number is steadily rising resulting in an almost challenges while people want traffic more pollution more Energy Consumption water usage but waste small cities. Are supposed to help cope with these problems projects are popping up everywhere for instance in nigeria south korea india or malaysia a livable city that can think for itself how does this work like this for example. Visions of the future this is a smart city a
Just next day but every day. Thousands of children still waiting for their delivery sponsor books today so together we can deliver teachers. The city of the future is smart its entirely interconnected that will regulate traffic save energy 5 crime assisted by big data and the internet of things brave new world or rather a surveillance nightmare what cosmos it is look like and do we really want to live there or topic today on ship. More than half of the worlds population lives in cities and this number is steadily rising resulting in enormous challenges more people want traffic more pollution more Energy Consumption more water usage but waste small cities are supposed to help cope with these problems projects are popping up everywhere for instance in nigeria south korea india or malaysia a livable city that can think for itself how does this work like this for example. Visions of the future this is a smart city as imagined by Tech Companies and evan plan is regular street. Are replaced