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Given the negative impact on numerous physiological indicators linked to health, it is critical to prioritise healthy sleep practices in order to increase productivity.
Wanna Be Productive? Sleep for 6 Hours: Elon Musk by Hannah Joy on February 17, 2021 at 5:25 PM
Sleeping at least for six hours every night increases your total productivity, says Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk in a podcast.
In an episode of the podcast The Joe Rogan Experience Musk confessed that he tends to work a lot and even schedule meetings at one or two in the morning. I tried sleeping less, but then total productivity decreases. I don t find myself wanting more sleep than six (hours), he said.
‘Tesla employees told Business Insider in 2018, that they frequently see their boss asleep while curled under tables, desks, and even on the factory floor.’