Skyborg ACS starts AAAx flight testing
17 May 2021
by Richard Scott
The US Air Force’s (USAF’s) Skyborg Vanguard team has completed initial flight tests of the Skyborg autonomy core system (ACS) aboard a Kratos Unmanned Systems Division UTAP-22 Mako tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
Under Milestone 1 of the Autonomous Attritable Aircraft Experimentation (AAAx) campaign, the ACS performed a series of foundational behaviours necessary to characterise safe system operation. Three flight tests were conducted from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, between 29 April and 5 May.
The first test flight of the ACS-configured UTAP-22 occurred on 29 April. (AFRL)
The goal of the Skyborg programme is to develop and integrate full-mission autonomy with low-cost, attritable UAV technology to enable manned-unmanned teaming. The Skyborg Vanguard team pairs the Program Executive Officer for Fighters and Advanced Aircraft as the Skyborg Program Executive Officer and the Commander of the Ai