Trying to forbid a common day-to-day item is a fool's errand. Phones are tools, students need to have the basics of phone etiquette reinforced at school. Not be forced into a fantasy world built by people who probably organized this entire movement on their phones.
Trying to forbid a common day-to-day item is a fool's errand. Phones are tools, students need to have the basics of phone etiquette reinforced at school. Not be forced into a fantasy world built by people who probably organized this entire movement on their phones.
Trying to forbid a common day-to-day item is a fool's errand. Phones are tools, students need to have the basics of phone etiquette reinforced at school. Not be forced into a fantasy world built by people who probably organized this entire movement on their phones.
Explore the ongoing debate over businesses operating on holidays. Is it really necessary for stores to close on holidays? Discover varying perspectives on this issue and consider the benefits for employees working on holidays.
Explore the ongoing debate over businesses operating on holidays. Is it really necessary for stores to close on holidays? Discover varying perspectives on this issue and consider the benefits for employees working on holidays.